With phase three of re-opening underway, Pine Banks Park is open once again with some added changes outlined in our previous post. However, these new guidelines aren’t the only change at Pine Banks as we’ve been working hard to improve the park and give it a little refresh. If you’ve come by the park recently, you may have noticed that the Picnic Sites are no longer painted cranberry but are now a clean forest green color! Spruced up to fit nicely with the woodsy area and to give the park a happy change. As you may have seen, we also have a new sign-up system for Picnic Site reservation, so check out information on the new system here. Some of the signs in the park have also been repainted, some swings have been moved (for social distancing purposes), but I think one of the most exciting changes has to be the clearing up of trails all throughout the park! If you go a little past the playground area, you’ll see a clearly formed trail leading up the hill making it far easier to get to the top of the rock formations on the sides of the park or just to better walk through our woods. The path has been cleared and wooden planks have been set down to help with irrigation, some brush has been slightly cleared for better visibility, and overall it makes taking a hike in Pine Banks Park all the more doable. We’d love for people to check out these newly established trails (following the new re-opening guidelines), see the other small changes we’ve made to the park, and of course enjoy the park as normally as possible. However, it’s incredibly important to us at Pine Banks that everyone is mindful of safety and we advise everyone to stay socially distant and be aware of our new guidelines. Thank you for enjoying Pine Banks and we’re so happy to be able to welcome people back to the park.